The property contains all the necessary attributes that express Outstanding Universal Value. It is constrained within a natural amphitheater that is radically different from the surrounding landscape and includes all metalliferous massifs of Alburnus Maior and the two principal valleys (Roşia and Corna) for ore-dressing, settlement, transport and communication. The landscape represents a palimpsest of successive empires and cultures that have shaped it. Its most recent exploitation, open pit mining from 1971 to 2006, is responsible for its largest scale and most dramatic physical change – though this activity is ultimately representative of irreversible loss and unsustainable practice.

The boundary has been determined using a combination of geological/mining maps, natural features such as ridgeline watersheds (functional, for water supply in ore-processing) and viewsheds (into and out of the property), roads, and the administrative boundaries that will assist with management of the property. It includes all areas with significant archaeological potential.

Roșia Montană Mining Landscape has undergone multiple transformations; some gradual over the centuries, and some sudden and devastating such as the destruction of the Roman openworks on Cetate (the “Citadel”) by opencast mining starting in the 1970s, and the recent sustained buildings demolition campaign that began in 2004 in preparation for the resumption of open pit mining and the creation of processing facilities. During the latter, important exemplars of local architectural heritage and even entire portions of built fabric (such as the central area of Corna), were destroyed in a total that exceeded 250 properties. A significant number survive, however, as a direct result of local owners maintaining efforts, or due to new investor’s repairs. The state of conservation of many historic buildings remain poor - making the preservation and conservation of this precious heritage all the more important - and some unauthorised development of small-scale housing has taken place. At the same time community based heritage programmes have made the connection between local owners, professionals in the field of conservation and volunteers from all over the world. During the last decade a range of historic buildings have been rescued using local resources and traditional techniques.